Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ran out of there... as fast as we could

There is one trouble in this whole arrangement... basically i don't know which key are which. every time you start to type the reflex kicks in and then yuo realise... Real-eyes.. that the "Y" and the "Z" aren't where you left them, not like you used them that much anyway.
But the memory of them is there, like the memory of whales bones on the shoreline, or the memory of picking out thatt one perfume in a sea of department store.

just talking it from what is around me basically... a little laugh, sometimes you want to ask about it, sometimes you want them to just leave...


morning boys... its not my fault....
she asked that question of everyone, it's the same people but they ask the same questions....

stuck in a room...

no release..


pretty fly for a white guy

i can't believe the scene


be lie ve



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