Thursday, April 20, 2006


One family gathering I remember my mum and brother were outside at the washing line. She was taking the dry sheets off the line and passing them to him. He would take them and put them back one the line. This went on for about half an hour, they were both drunk, not really drunk, just merry.

There was a night that I remember my mum walk out of her room and down the stairs. It was about two o’clock in the morning, she walked out in a doped up state wearing a white gown so she looked like a ghost. She went to the fridge and grabbed a beer and proceeded to pour it into an empty ice-cream bucket. The pattering rain on the roof must had waken her, she walked outside in the soft rain and started collecting snails and killing them in the bucket of beer. All the time muttering that she had to get the snails, that they would ruin the garden.

I found my nan once washing peas and straining the water away into the cutlery draw.

I was conceived during an affair in the back of an Alfa Romao. It was in the parking lot after a work function at the company were both my parents met.

Me and my best friend once found a secret little room. Way out in the field we found a door in the side of a cave. Inside there was a small ledge, and then a huge drop, it was like a giant dark box. We used to go there all the time and talk or throw bouncing balls around, the type that lit up. There was one night that we went in it was midnight and we stayed for two hours. We knew because we had watches and only two hour hours went by, but when we got out it was light, six o’clock. We lost four hours of our lives in that black hole.

The first thing that she wanted to do when she moved out is call home and exclaim; “Mum, I’m running with scissors!”

I have a fairy that follows me name mischief. It used to be my Grandfathers, he kept her in his shirt pocket, and she would go around making mischief, hiding things. When he died she went to my uncle, and he gave her to me. So she follows me around and moves or hides things from me and my friends.

She knew a kid called Jesus in kindergarten, her only memory was chasing him around the room with a pair of scissors.

Her family was completely dysfunctional, in a funny way. Every christmas gathering her brother would try something knew. Once he made a rule that no one was allowed to say anything unless it was in song. For the entire christmas people were singing everything that they said.

He woke up on new years day. Hung over to all fuck, looked in his packet of cigarettes to find one left. He went to the fridge and made a cup of coffee, using the last of the milk in the house. Walked outside and sat down on the couch. he put the cigarette in his mouth, but before he could light it, it fell out of his mouth and dropped into his coffee.

On her third birthday she looked up and said. “Is my birthday... but I don’t know why is my birthday?”

My mother died on the ides of March. Had to be poetic.

A boy in primary school had the biggest crush on a girl. He came to school exclaiming “Oh no, I forgot the forget something!” I asked what he was talking about he said that if he had of forgotten something then he could have asked the girl for it.

She was introduced to me in the kitchen as Sylvia Plaith... I opened the oven door for her and she said that she loved me.

At his last class at uni he for filled a vow that he had made three years earlier, when he started. Moonwalk outta there. It ended up not being so much of a moonwalk as as stumble backwards until he ran into his friend.

Talking about doing something stupid and romantic for her 21st birthday. Having it all planned out in my mind, to wear a beautiful suit and a single red rose... And be dripping wet from rain. Telling her that to do this romantic thing that it has to rain. “It’s not gonna rain, it’s the middle of summer.”
“Compensating saying... “Well there can be a hose.”
“No... there can’t be a hose... I’m getting my hair done.”

A girl wearing a skimpy outfit on a freezing cold night. When asked how she can dress like that she said. “I just pretend that it’s a really hot day and I’m standing in front of an air conditioner.”

“You’re hardcore... no soft centres in your chocolate assorted box.”

3rd gear... nearly at port fairy. My wet pants are waving out the back window because of that walk. And the service station didn’t have a knife isle so kim’s cutting up brie with a credit card.

A guy with manic depression. Wanted to bake a cake, and he needed to buy some flour. So he flew from melbourne to sydney to buy a bag of flour.

“Have you got a quid mate?”
“Doubt it, I’m an atheist.”

“Never turn your back on the ocean!”

There was a girl who burred her heart in a bucket of sand, and gave it to a boy. But instead of building as castle like she wanted him to do, he tipped it all over her orange hair, and then played with his trucks in the sand pit. Her first heart break. She cried and cried and cried when her mother made her wash her hair, and called her heart dirty.

“But I’m going to win her back.” He said with a cheaky grin on his face. “I’m gonna go over there and steal her away again.”


Blogger Djali said...

hmmm...walking through a grey day, the wind caught a piece of paper and threw it at her, she suffered a paper cut and thought, "this would only happen to me"... She built a boat called Ophelia (and oh, you remembered :))... so good to see your/you're writing, a treat.

Friday, April 21, 2006 5:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I echo Jenni.
You find words that work so well...
Cara in Budapest.

Sunday, April 23, 2006 1:24:00 PM  
Blogger Nanashi Travelling said...

ummm... ok
don't be so silly

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:51:00 AM  

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