Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Nanashi Has Wings

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sign Off

I don't care if the eat me alive...

I've got better things to do than survive...

Sign Off

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

for mr. tom (thomas)

little lady,

ok this is what I’ve been doing since nineteen ninety seven

moved to north perth.
lived and partied.
with paul roosendaal.
worked in bars.
half finished a degree.
left for england.
worked in bars.
moved to scotland.
worked n more bars.
stayed a year.
fucked up a relationship.
started another one with a scottish girl.
moved to queensland.
hated it.
moved to melbourne.
scottish lady followed.
finished my degree.
while working in bars.
moved back to scotland.
to run a bar.
chasing the scottish lady.
stayed a coupe of years.
travelled around europe.
so interesting-ness
fucked up another relationship.
moved back to perth.
got bored.
went to asia.
moved back to perth.
got bored again.
moved back to melbourne to...yes...
run a bar.
bought a house.
still here.
love it.

your turn.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


more please...

more of the applause, ground with tears. I guess it's what we love to hear, to ears and fears.
To holding up you fort in the dark. flickering glow. And all the other things that make each hour lay heavier on your lids.
When night comes into morning... the hour or two before the the light from the hailing sun comes to your predictions.
split between waiting and procrastinating its coming.
splitting a moment down to the smallest place to live.

leering faces back at you...

It's holds a tricky fate up to your face to test. Whether you can make at that far, and for the hours of the daylight.

we live at night... work.. rest and play. breathe the skin of dark. Decide for yourself a better fate, that somehow the sun would hold any more appeal for your face underneath.
Trapped into that which has become a natural home, in the unnatural hours of your eyes to see.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Death, death, death
comes sweeping down
filthy death, the leering clown
death on wings, death by surprise
veiling you from worthy eyes
death that's spawned as life becomes
while death and love, two kindred drums
keep the time till judgment day
an actor in a passion play
without beginning,

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

i hate you

it's mainly because in you i can see my failings... how dare you!

and i've said sorry too many time to make ti actually meaningful... how dare i.


blindness and rge, and drunken thoughts of how you might have been better without anyof it,, either that or a side note in the histories...
cos there were too many chance to leave it alone, and there was even a chance not to start anything....
but why why....

(the heyday of yesteryear... (how can you get away with that??!!!??) it was kinda that)

cunty mcfuck nugget

it's just a side thought.

you're just a side thought...

how dare i....................../..././///////.......///...................////................................//////

i may have just fucked everything up x

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Do it or I'll kill you

dark figure without legs in the harr..
split shadow buy street lights, and i'll genuflect after every passing ambulance...