Tuesday, March 18, 2008

for mr. tom (thomas)

little lady,

ok this is what I’ve been doing since nineteen ninety seven

moved to north perth.
lived and partied.
with paul roosendaal.
worked in bars.
half finished a degree.
left for england.
worked in bars.
moved to scotland.
worked n more bars.
stayed a year.
fucked up a relationship.
started another one with a scottish girl.
moved to queensland.
hated it.
moved to melbourne.
scottish lady followed.
finished my degree.
while working in bars.
moved back to scotland.
to run a bar.
chasing the scottish lady.
stayed a coupe of years.
travelled around europe.
so interesting-ness
fucked up another relationship.
moved back to perth.
got bored.
went to asia.
moved back to perth.
got bored again.
moved back to melbourne to...yes...
run a bar.
bought a house.
still here.
love it.

your turn.